Restorative Practice

Restorative Practice Awareness

This course is for:

Practitioners who work with children and families in Newcastle

What will I learn?:

Restorative Practice is a proactive strength-based approach that reinforces the importance of building and maintaining positive relationships by seeking to understand the needs of the people in your community. The Restorative Approach involves a journey of change using the principles of collaboration and inclusion. For more information on the approach click here: Relational and Restorative Practice – Newcastle Safeguarding

In this session we will look at the pro-active behaviours and skills that you already use in your practice, to create these long-lasting relationships, as well as reflect on how your actions and attitudes can influence and change relationship dynamics..

By the end of the session you will be able to map your practices against the ‘Four ways of being’ model, and begin to reflect on how you can start to encourage and empower others using high challenge and high support. You will have a greater understanding of techniques that can be used to build connections and community, for example ‘Check in circles’.

This interactive session will combine presentation material with reflective activities and opportunities for delegates to ask questions.  NOTE: In order to offer options to suit different needs, some sessions will take place face to face and others via Microsoft Teams. Please ensure you book on a date with your preferred delivery method

Course Dates:

12 June 2024   9.45-12.30pmAllendale Road Training Centre
12 September  2024 9.45-12.30pmAllendale Road Training Centre
15 January 2025 9.45-12.30pmAllendale Road Training Centre
To book click here

Re-think Formulation

These sessions are half-day face-to-face workshops

To be confirmedAllendale Road Training Centre
To be confirmedAllendale Road Training Centre

To book a place please download and complete the booking form below, then return to

If you have any queries please contact

Rethink Formulation Half Day Face to Face Workshops

This course is for:

Practitioners who work with children and families in Newcastle who have previously attended ‘Restorative Practice Awareness’

What will I learn?:

When working with families, services can get into a pattern of assessments and short term interventions that end when there have been improvements. However, families often need help again. Rethink Formulation uses an evidence based model of case formulation to help us organise information and structure our conversations to reach a shared understanding of a family and their presenting issues, from which we can base our plans. This formulation can travel with the family into different services, and should reduce the number of assessments they have by providing an effective way to analyse the information we already have about their strengths and needs. Rethinking what we know about a family, and what we then do with that knowledge, is key to working with that family in a restorative and sustainable way.

This half day workshop will support you to understand the principles behind Formulation and how this sits within a relational and restorative approach to working WITH children and families. It will also provide the opportunity to be part of a Rethink Formulation with colleagues and partners supported by a Relational Practice Lead, to support discussion about how formulation can be used to support the work you do with children and families across agencies and organisations. Rethink Formulation can be used by any professional and agency as a way to explore and align what we understand about families and how we talk with them about strengths and presenting issues or concerns.

Course Dates:

These sessions are face to face and have a 9.15am registration

24 September 2024   9:15 – 1pmAllendale Road Training Centre

To book a place please download and complete the booking form below, then return to

If you have any queries please contact

Restorative Practice Masterclasses  

Restorative Language10th October 202410:00 – 16:00 Allendale Road
Circles & Fair Process17th July 2024
6th November 2024
10:00 – 16:00 Allendale Road
High Support, High Challenge11th September 2024
17th December 2024
10:00 – 16:00 Allendale Road
  These Restorative Practice Masterclasses are for staff who work with babies, children, young people and their families in Newcastle. They can be attended as standalone sessions or as a series of 3.   You must have attended a Restorative Practice Awareness session or Principles of Relational Practice session, before attending any of these Masterclasses, and be in a position to be able to embed within your practice.   The masterclasses are designed to deepen understanding of relational and restorative practices, and to provide practical tools to support you in adopting this approach to your work with children and wider families.   For further information or to book a place click on the link.

Please Note: if you do not have access to iLearn LMS please complete attached booking form and return to  

To book a place please download and complete the booking form below, then return to

If you have any queries please contact

Rethink Practice Sessions

This course is for:

Practitioners who work with children and families in Newcastle who have previously attended a ‘Rethink Formulation Workshop’

What will I learn?:

These sessions are an opportunity to practice Rethink Formulations.  Our Restorative Practice Leads (RPLs) will be running ‘Rethinks’ with those in attendance to support good practice.

Course Dates:

1 October 2024  9.15am – 12.30pmAllendale Road training centre

To book a place please download and complete the booking form below, then return to

If you have any queries please contact

If you have any queries please contact

Please note – no courses are currently available.
Due to Covid19, courses are being moved online. Please check back later for further updates.
