Domestic abuse means abusive behaviour between people who are or have been in an intimate relationship or who are family members. Research tells us that when domestic abuse is happening to an older person it is less likely to be recognised or reported. Older survivors might have been living with the abuse for a long time, might be worried about upsetting other family members by speaking out or be unsure about the support available to them. Campaigns around domestic abuse often focus on younger adults, meaning that abuse of older people isn’t as easily recognised.
The Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board and Safe Newcastle are aiming to increase awareness that domestic abuse can happen at any age and that there is support available.
Supporting carers, reducing risks
We know that getting older can mean people need more help and support. For some, caring for a partner or family member can be difficult and this can increase risks of domestic abuse. Making sure family carers are supported can maintain and improve relationships. Newcastle Carers provides advice, information and support to carers of all ages across the city. They can be contacted on 0191 2755060 or via their website:
You can also find more information about other services and support for carers in Newcastle on Information Now.
Services and support for survivors
Newcastle Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS) offer a range of practical and emotional support. NIDAS can be contacted 24 hours a day on 0191 214 6501 or via their website
Survivors of domestic abuse who have care and support needs can be protected through safeguarding adults procedures. Visit our report a concern webpage for more information on how to make a safeguarding adults referral.
If you or someone else are in immediate danger or there is a threat to life please call 999 as soon as possible.