Target audience
People who have a responsibility for receiving concerns, decision-making and informing statutory agencies. This may include: Social Workers, District Nurses, Police Officers, RGN’s, RMN’s, Ward Sisters, Probation Officers, GP’s, Home Managers, Team Leaders, CPN’s.
Entry requirement
Participants will have obtained prior knowledge and understanding of safeguarding adults by completing learning equivalent to competencies (1-11) at Level One before attending Level Two training. Prior safeguarding learning will be tested at the start of the Level Two training to ensure that all participants have appropriate knowledge.
Aim of the session
Increase awareness of legislation, policies and procedures in relation to safeguarding adults. //Inform practitioners of their role in recognising and responding to adult abuse.
Learning outcomes
The course will provide staff with an understanding of:
- safeguarding adults policy and procedures in Newcastle;
- what constitutes a safe environment and preventative strategies;
- capacity, consent and confidentiality;
- laws & guidance available regarding safeguarding adults
Booking Details:
Online: Please click ‘Apply’ against both dates listed below
Email: If you have any queries or are unable to complete an online form, please contact the Workforce Development Admin Team: or on 0191 277 2091.
If you are a Newcastle City Council employee, you can book on any of these courses via LMS
Please see the Charging Policy as you may be charged for training.