Newcastle’s SEND Local Offer 

Newcastle’s SEND Local Offer 

Newcastle’s SEND Local Offer website is the “go to”...

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The Risk of Water Beads

With their bright colours and squishy feel, water beads...

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NSCP: Safeguarding Week (4th – 8th December)

The week beginning the 4th of December is Safeguarding...

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New Third Party Material Request Form

A new Interim NPCC Third Party Material Request Form...

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Newcastle United Foundation: Dads and Mini Mags

Newcastle United Foundation: Dads and Mini Mags

The Newcastle United Foundation are promoting an exciting Dads...

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Independent Reviewing Officer: Annual Report

Independent Reviewing Officer: Annual Report

The Independent Reviewing Officer Annual Report has now been...

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Violence Against Women and Girls: Research into Practice

Violence Against Women and Girls: Research into Practice

Hosted by Northumbria University’s Gendered Violence and Abuse Interdisciplinary Research...

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Children’s Commissioner: Big Ambition

Children’s Commissioner: Big Ambition

Please read below update from Dame Rachel de Souza....

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New SEND strategy for Newcastle 

Newcastle are delighted to introduce a new Special Educational...

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Public Health Multi-Agency Training Programme 2023-2024

Public Health Multi-Agency Training Programme 2023-2024

Newcastle Public Health offer multi-agency training online and face...

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