Safer Internet Day!

Safer Internet Day!

Safer Internet Day!

Wednesday, 9th February is Safer Internet Day. Click here...

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Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership Plan 2021-2023

Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership Plan 2021-2023

This is the Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership Plan for...

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Independent Reviewing Officers Annual Report April 2020 to March 2021

Independent Reviewing Officers Annual Report April 2020 to March 2021

This report covers the period April 2020 to March...

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Annual Young People’s Event – Young People and Mental Health

Annual Young People’s Event – Young People and Mental Health

Summary of the Event Newcastle Safeguarding Children Board has...

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Newcastle ‘Tackling Sexual Exploitation’ Conference

Newcastle ‘Tackling Sexual Exploitation’ Conference

To share the learning from the Joint Serious Case...

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Publication of the NSCB Annual Report 2018

Publication of the NSCB Annual Report 2018

Safeguarding children and young people is everyone’s responsibility “This...

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NSAB publish 2018-19 Annual Report

NSAB publish 2018-19 Annual Report

The Safeguarding Adults Board have published their Annual Report...

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Raising awareness in the Grainger Market

Raising awareness in the Grainger Market

The NSAB wants to ensure that people in Newcastle...

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Engagement principles launched

Engagement principles launched

The NSAB have agreed 8 Principles of Engagement as...

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