The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel’s fourth annual report disseminates evidence and learning originating from rapid reviews and Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (LCSPRs) and of undertaking reviews about issues of national significance. This report presents our collective understanding of how best we can help keep children safe through effective multi-agency practice. Key themes identified include:
Effective leadership and culture supporting critical thinking and professional
Giving central consideration to racial, ethnic, and cultural identity and impact on
the lived experience of children and families.
The importance of a whole family approach to risk assessment and support.
Recognising and responding to the vulnerability of babies.
Domestic abuse and harm to children – working across services.
Keeping a focus on risks outside the family.
Parenting capacity and children with disabilities and health needs.
Children with complex mental health needs.
Parental mental health and parenting capacity.
Children not in school.
Young carers.
Working with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.