
What is Early Help and how is it structured in Newcastle?

Via Microsoft Teams

What is Early Help? What is the difference between Early Help and Children’s Social Care?  What is my agency’s in ensuring family’s support needs are identified and responded to at the earliest opportunity.   What support is available to families in the city.  How can practitioners be supported? 

Engaging and Supporting Young Dads

Via Microsoft Teams

Barnardo’s have been supporting Young Fathers and Fathers to be across the city of Newcastle since 2008, based on the award winning PECS model. In this session we will look …

ICON – Babies cry , you can cope

Via Microsoft Teams

“Babies cry, you can cope!”   ICON is an evidence based programme adopted by health and social care organisations in the UK  which aims to raise awareness of infant crying, including …

Working Together – Experiences of the private and 3rd sectors

Via Microsoft Teams

In this session presenters from Newcastle United FC and Newcastle United Foundation will discuss their experiences of providing services for children, young people and adults at risk and explore the …
