
Private Fostering – Shared Roles and Responsibilities

Via Microsoft Teams

This session aims to increase awareness of Private Fostering and individual / agency duties under the relevant legislation and regulations. The session will also cover the actions taken within Childrens Social Care to support children in Private Fostering arrangements. 

Children and Young Adults Drug and Alcohol Treatment 

Via Microsoft Teams

Cumbria, Northumbria, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust will offer an overview of Newcastle Treatment and Recovery (NTAR) and the Children and Young Adult (CAYA) team that sit within this. There will be discussions around safeguarding issues that may influence the treatment of young people within drug and alcohol services. 

Partnership Working in the West End

Via Microsoft Teams

This will discuss the work that has been conducted in the West End of Newcastle between a range of partners, to address the prevalent issues around drug supply, violence and exploitation. It will explain how, as a collective, we can tackle the root cause of the issues along with the indirect impacts around vulnerability and …
