Safeguarding Adults Unit

The Safeguarding Adults Unit is the specialist team within the Local Authority responsible for safeguarding adults. The team also includes the Adult Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). The Safeguarding Adults Unit provide advice and guidance to professionals from all organisations.

The Professionals Advice Line (Telephone: 0191 278 8156) is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. Please note that this is an advice service only and safeguarding adults referrals are not made directly to this team.  All safeguarding adults referrals should be made in the usual way. For more information about making a safeguarding adults referral please visit our report a concern page

Advice can be given on a range of safeguarding adults related areas, including: individual cases, best practice, and policy and procedures (including Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards). 

The Advice Line is not a duty or emergency system and it can not be guaranteed that a Safeguarding Manager will be available to be spoken to immediately.  The protocol is that information related to the advice request is left with admin support who then pass this on to a Safeguarding Manager.  This allows for case screening/allocation and prioritisation.

The Safeguarding Adults Unit does not have involvement in all safeguarding adults concerns that are raised with the Local Authority. The Safeguarding Adults Unit are only involved in the following cases:

  • Organisational or paid worker cases.  For example, cases where the alleged perpetrator is a paid worker or the concern is about institutional/organisational abuse;
  • Complex cases.  For example, cases involving multiple victims and/or perpetrators, cases of sexual exploitation, forced marriage, honour-based violence or modern slavery.
