NSAB Roles and Responsibilities

The Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) makes sure that all organisations work closely together, using the same multi-agency policies and procedures, to protect and prevent abuse of adults at risk. The Board meets six times a year, agrees an annual plan, reviews progress against this annual plan and discusses any emerging issues.  An annual report is produced each year.

The Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board’s vision is to ensure that “Newcastle is an increasingly safer city for adults at risk of abuse and neglect”. Read more about our vision and priorities.

The NSAB has a number of sub-committees which help it to meet it’s objectives and priorities.

Our purpose

Our overarching purpose is to help and protect adults with care and support needs.

To do this we have to make sure that:

  • local safeguarding arrangements are in place
  • our safeguarding practice is person-centred and outcome focused
  • we work together to prevent abuse and neglect
  • agencies and individuals give timely and proportionate responses when abuse or neglect have occurred
  • our safeguarding practice is continuously improving and enhancing the quality of life for adults in our area

Roles and Responsibilities

The Board is responsible for leading safeguarding arrangements across Newcastle and for overseeing, co-ordinating and challenging the effectiveness of the work of our members and partner agencies.

We also have a responsibility to develop and actively promote a culture among our members, partners, and our communities, that recognises the values and principles contained in Making Safeguarding Personal.

Making safeguarding personal means ensuring people are at the heart of the safeguarding process, from the beginning to the end.

The Board has a Partnership Agreement that reflects the shared responsibility and high priority afforded to safeguarding adults in Newcastle. The Board also has an Information Sharing Agreement to ensure that information is shared safely, securely and appropriately for the purposes of safeguarding adults at risk.

Our Statutory Duties

Under the Care Act 2014, we have to:

  • develop and publish a strategic plan setting out how we’ll meet our objectives and how our member and partner agencies will contribute
  • publish an annual report detailing how effective our work has been
  • commission safeguarding adults reviews (SARs) for cases where an adult dies or is seriously harmed as a result of abuse or neglect


The Board is chaired by Vida Morris and has the following agencies represented on it:

Strategic Annual Plan

The NSAB’s Vision and Priorities informs the NSAB’s Strategic Annual Plan. The Strategic Annual Plan says what the Board’s priorities are and what actions will be taken to address these. The plan is agreed in April each year and progress is discussed at each Board meeting.

Annual Reports

Each year the NSAB produces an annual report which outlines how effective the work of the Board has been.

Summary Minutes


Communication and marketing toolkit

Raising awareness of safeguarding adults and the role of the NSAB is an important part of the work of the partnership. Partner agencies can access our communication and marketing toolkit . Here you will find downloadable posters and leaflets, as well as some of the important messages we need to communicate.
