Policy & Procedures

The NSAB produce multi-agency safeguarding adults policy and procedures. The NSAB want to ensure that anyone raising a concern that an adult, with care and support needs, is being abused or neglected is taken seriously and it is acted on promptly and appropriately.

The policy confirms the priority given to safeguarding adults, outlines the principles and definitions that underpin this work, and describes how agencies will fulfil their statutory duties under the Care Act 2014.

The policy is supported by the multi-agency procedures and practice guidance produced in partnership with the key agencies in Newcastle. There is a process flowchart and a summary of each of the stages which provide an overview of the multi-agency safeguarding adult procedures.

By defining different kinds of abuse and outlining what should happen when confronted with possible abuse, the NSAB set out an agreed procedure to be followed. Together, these documents will help to clarify the safeguarding responsibilities of those people working or volunteering with adults.

All agencies working/volunteering with adults with care and support needs must have their own agency policy and procedures, which reflect the multi-agency arrangements. Please read our guidance on writing safeguarding policy and procedures.
