Please see below for a selection of documents to support practitioners in their roles supporting and safeguarding young people in Newcastle.
Key Documents
Education, Schools and Colleges
Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) recognises the importance of partners in education to keeping children and young people safe.
Sexual Health Flow Chart
Newcastle Flow chart for staff working with young people 13-18 years seeking sexual health advice/treatment
FGM/Harmful Practice
All acts of FGM are a crime and the girls and women subjected to FGM are victims of this crime. The act of FGM to female children under the age of 18 is also a form of child abuse and Safeguarding Children procedures apply. Safeguarding Adult procedures also apply to adult females who come under the Care Act 2014 definition of an Adult at Risk.
These groups of children and adults will have differing needs for support, therapeutic intervention and protection and different safeguarding pathways apply.
Child Exploitation
Child Exploitation is when someone takes advantage of a young person, using an imbalance of power in the relationship, using threats, bribes, violence, humiliation, or by telling the victim that they love them, they force the victim to do things for their own or other people’s benefit or enjoyment. This can include sexual, criminal and financial exploitation.
Newcastle is a safe, diverse and largely tolerant city, but we cannot be complacent. PREVENT is here to safeguard people and communities from the threat of radicalisation and extremism.
Prevent is one of four elements of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. Prevent’s Channel Panel programme provides practical help to stop people being drawn into extremism. It supports people to move away from those who would promote extremism, whatever its form. Every panel is different, reflecting that everyone’s risks are different.
In Newcastle, we use the same indicators of vulnerability, regardless of how a person is potentially being radicalised Newcastle Channel Panel Procedures. If you think someone would benefit from the Channel Programme, you can make a confidential Prevent referral. Click here if you have a concern about an adult and here if you are concerned about a young person.
The following animation ‘How to make a Prevent Referral ‘Biteable’ explains what happens if you make a referral.
The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 contains a duty on what are called ‘specified authorities’ to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.
In March 2015, Parliament approved guidance, issued under section 29 of the Act, on how specified authorities should comply with their Prevent duty. The Revised Prevent Duty Guidance was published in July 2015.
Violence Against Women & Girls
The United Nations defines violence against women and girls (VAWG) as:
“…any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.” (General Assembly Resolution 48/104 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, 1993).
VAWG impacts women and girls of all ages, from all walks of life, regardless of their level of education, income, where they live or their sexuality. It is a major obstacle to ending gender inequality and discrimination globally.
Private Fostering
What is private fostering?
Information and advice on what it is and what to do if you are involved in or aware of a private fostering arrangement.
Private fostering is the term used when someone who is not a parent or a ‘close relative’ (e.g. great aunt, cousin, mum’s friend or a neighbour) is looking after a child or young person under the age of 16 (under 18 if they are disabled) for 28 days or more in their own home. It also covers children who stay at a residential school for more than two weeks of the school holidays. For more information please view the page of Private Fostering.