Self-Neglect Animation Launched

During Safeguarding Adults Week 2022, services across the North East are launching an animation to explain more about self-neglect and how this might affect those around you.  

You may not be sure why you are concerned and don’t know quite how to put your worries into words. You might be someone living close to, or regularly come into contact with neighbours, members of your community or friendship groups and start to notice a change in someone you know. They may have started to show signs that they are not looking after themselves as well as they used to. It may just be a feeling that you have that something isn’t quite right.  

Animation about self-neglect

If, after watching the animation, it’s all now starting to make more sense, please do take action and contact one of the services on the film (or listed below) to get that critical help for someone in need.  It really could make a big difference and lead to a positive change for somebody who is struggling. 

You may also have realised that you are feeling troubled and anxious about yourself. Please do get in touch with the people who can make sure you get the right kind of support. Everyone needs a helping hand at some point in their lives.  

If you are professional and would like to find out more about self-neglect, please have a look at our 7-minute guides about self-neglect

You can contact Community Health and Social Care Direct (0191 278 8377) if you or someone knows needs help and support.  

In the most serious self-neglect cases, a multi-agency safeguarding adults response will be required. To report a safeguarding adults concern you can contact Community Health and Social Care Direct (0191 278 8377) or via an online referral form. If the situation is an emergency call 999. 
