Carers Risk Assessment Tool
Target Audience This will include anyone who might come into contact with informal carers (unpaid/family carers). Those working in social care, housing, health, criminal justice, or community and voluntary organisations. …
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – Basic Awareness
To increase basic awareness of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and to provide a basic working knowledge of the policy and procedures operational in Newcastle
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – Managers Supervisory Bodies and Managing Authorities
To provide in-depth knowledge of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards process and documentation
Domestic Abuse, Older People and Carers
Target Audience The course is suitable for practitioners who may encounter older people and/or carers subjected to domestic abuse, perpetrators of abuse and / or children living in families where …
Exploitation Awareness
Target Audience Those working or volunteering with children or adults with care and support needs who may be in a position to identify concerns of exploitation. Including: support workers, housing …
Making a good safeguarding referral.
This webinar provides an overview of the safeguarding adults referral process and key considerations for referrers in making a good safeguarding adults referral. This webinar will cover:– Reminder of the …
Mental Capacity Act – Basic Awareness
Target audience All staff that need to have an awareness of the MCA. This may include: care assistants, auxiliary staff, Community Support Officers, wardens, concierges, support staff, domestic staff, administrative …
Mental Capacity Act & Decision-Making
Aim of the session – To provide in-depth knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and provide practical skills in order to undertake a capacity assessment and best interest decision
Mental Capacity Act & Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers
Target audience This course is appropriate for staff in all services who work with people who are at risk of alcohol related harm. This will include anyone working in public facing …
Responding to Disclosures of Abuse.
Target Audience This course is appropriate for staff in all services who work with children & adults who are at risk of abuse or neglect. Including: support workers, housing staff, teachers, …
Risk Assessment and Management Planning
Target audience Staff who have organisational or professional responsibility to safeguard vulnerable adults, particularly in the community, and who would partake in risk assessments and protection planning. This will include: …
Safeguarding Adults – Core Training Level 1
Target audience All staff who come into contact with adults at risk of abuse or neglect. No one will be able to access higher levels of safeguarding training until they …
Safeguarding Adults – Core Training Level 2
Target audience People who have a responsibility for receiving concerns, decision-making and informing statutory agencies. This may include: Social Workers, District Nurses, Police Officers, RGN’s, RMN’s, Ward Sisters, Probation Officers, …
Safeguarding Adults – Core Training Level 3
Target audience All staff who have a responsibility to undertake safeguarding adults’ investigations. This may include managers, deputy managers and any other appropriate members of staff within organisations who have …
Self-Neglect & Hoarding Thematic Work Shop
Target Audience: People who have a responsibility for receiving concerns, decision-making and informing statutory agencies who may come into with people that Self-Neglect. This may include anyone working in public …
The need to be self-aware, Bias, Unconscious Bias and Malignant Alienation in the client, professional relationship.
Target Audience This course is appropriate for staff in all services who work with children & adults who are at risk of abuse or neglect. Including: support workers, housing staff, teachers, college staff, …
Trustees Safeguarding Training for Adults and Children
Target Audience: This is a bespoke course for anyone who has a Trustees role within a voluntary or community sector organisation and will need to know how to ensure their …