Mental Capacity Act & Decision-Making

Target audience

Staff who have a responsibility for applying the Mental Capacity Act – decision-makers and their line managers. This may include: Social Workers (Adults and Children’s), District Nurses, Police Officers, RGN’s, RMN’s, Ward Sister’s, Probation Officers, GP’s, Home Managers, Team Leaders, Team Managers, Welfare Rights Officers, Care Co-ordinators, Housing Officers, IMCA’s, Paid Relevant Person’s Representatives, Advocates.

Entry requirement

No entry requirements. Participants should attend the Basic Awareness or the Decision-Making training, NOT BOTH

Aim of the session

To provide in-depth knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and provide practical skills in order to undertake a capacity assessment and best interest decision.

Learning outcomes

This course will provide staff with an understanding of:

  • The five principles of the Mental Capacity Act
  • Decision specific assessments
  • The role of the decision-maker
  • The capacity assessment framework and best interest checklist
  • The interface between MCA and other legislation
  • Working with the IMCA service
  • Implementing the MCA and supporting staff
  • The wider implications of MCA and DoLS implementation.
  • Planning a capacity assessment
  • Planning a best interest decision

Booking Details:

Online: Please click ‘Apply’ against both dates listed below

Email: If you have any queries or are unable to complete an online form, please contact the Workforce Development Admin Team: or on 0191 277 2091.

If you are a Newcastle City Council employee, you can book on any of these courses via LMS

Please see the Charging Policy as you may be charged for training.

Please note – no courses are currently available.
Due to Covid19, courses are being moved online. Please check back later for further updates.
